Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! Highland converts your words into a properly-formatted, professional script. Many produced screenplays are written in Highland. Professional screenwriters swear by it.

Not really. The industry standard format is PDF. That’s what people read. No matter what apps screenwriters use to write their scripts, they’re always delivered as PDF.

Highland requires MacOS 10.13 (High Sierra) or greater, and a 64-bit processor.

The Pro upgrade is attached to your Apple ID, and should work on any computers linked to it. Highland 2 is not available for iPad Pro (though we may end up doing an iOS version in the future).

  1. Uninstall Highland 2 (Drag the app from the Applications folder to the Trash, then choose Finder > Empty Trash.)
  2. Sign out of the Mac App Store (Launch the App Store and sign out by going to the Store menu at the top of the screen and selection Sign Out.)
  3. Restart your system.
  4. Log back in to the Mac App Store.
  5. Reinstall Highland 2.

If these steps do not resolve the issue, please send an email to with the answers to the following questions:

  1. How long did you wait for Highland to connect to the Mac App Store?
  2. From what country are you trying to upgrade?
  3. Do you have more than one Apple ID?
  4. Have you tried on more than one internet connection/network?
  5. Are you using a VPN?
  6. Are you attempting to upgrade from home or work?
  7. If work, is it a corporate place that may have firewalls/limitations?
  8. How long have you waited before giving up on it?
  9. Does Apple give you any prompts? If so, what do they say?
  10. Would you mind sending in a debug log, too? You can find it under the Help menu > show debug log.

The Pro upgrade is attached to your Apple ID, and should work on any computers linked to it. Highland 2 is not available for iPad Pro (though we may end up doing an iOS version in the future).

  • Final Draft
  • Movie Magic Screenwriter
  • Celtx
  • Fade In

Some PDFs are essentially photos of pages. Highland has no built-in optical character recognition (OCR), so there may be no text to work with. But don’t despair: third-party OCR apps can often come to the rescue.