Fixes Dual dialogue exporting to Final Draft .fdx Strikethrough exporting to Final Draft .fdx Strange line breaking in German manuscripts Improvement Better text justification in the Novel template Better splitting of long text across multiple pages
Version 2.9.8
Fixes Bold, italics, underline works if there’s a tab before it Scroll bars better match dark themes Rare indentation issues when exporting Screenplays Deleting revised text at the end of the document leaves revision colors intact Improvements Nested checkbox indentation HTML exporting of Headers and ***bold italic*** styled text
Version 2.9.7
Fix Character Highlighting boxes align correctly in the Editor Improvement Insert Link (⇧ Shift + ⌘ Command + L) auto-selects the URL portion so you can immediately paste the URL
Version 2.9.6
Fixes Imported FDX and PDFs display in the correct Editor font Character highlighting of dual dialogue Color selector from character highlighting Random typos in the UI Improvements Scene numbers now export to RTF Dialogue line breaks now stay consistent when using Medium or Wide Editor column widths Better indentation of nested list items
Version 2.9.4
New Feature Context menu in Sprints list allows tweeting out or deleting old Sprints Improvements: Renamed paragraph indentation option for Manuscript template (to make it more clear what it does) Character name autocompletion sorts names in order of most frequently used Better syntax highlighting and printing of indented task lists (i.e. lists starting with [x] …
Version 2.9.3
New features Choose whether to print title page in Preview print options Can include %title in headers Improvements Title pages match body font in all templates New Novel template inspired by author Michael Chabon Fixes Auto-completing character names & scene headers with slashes INCLUDEs Remove extra padding after dual dialogue ((endnotes))