If your page count has drastically changed since the last time you opened your document, your Printer setup may be the culprit! In Highland 2, check File > Page Setup… (or ⇧ Shift +⌘ Command + P) Highland 2 uses your Mac’s print preferences when it generates a PDF view in Preview or saves your …
To help you stay focused on writing and not formatting, Highland keeps the writing (Editor) and presentation (Preview) of your document separate. Jump over to Preview from the toolbar or press Command + E. The Preview window lets you see exactly what your document looks like.
Export Options
Paragraph Numbers & Synopses Include paragraph numbers or synopses (or both) in your PDF or print by selecting the Paragraph Numbers or Synopses checkboxes located at the bottom of the Preview window. Extremely helpful when editing.
PDF Templates
Highland’s PDF templates are used when you are ready to export or print your document. They apply all the formatting you haven’t had to worry about in the Editor. Because they are independent of your document, you can switch between templates without reformatting. To apply or change a template, open the Document Template popover using …