The fourth panel in Highland’s Sidebar is Assets.
If the sidebar is not visible, go to View > Toggle Sidebar or press ⌘ Command + 0. Assets can be accessed by selecting the [assets-icon] or by pressing ⌘ Command + 4.
As you include files and images in your document, Highland adds them to your Assets panel.
Quickly reuse assets by dragging them into your document. Highland automatically creates the correct syntax for images or files when you drag them into the Editor.
Highland will keep the assets available even if they are removed from your document. To remove one completely, select it in the Assets panel and click the X button.
Highland will also highlight which assets are currently used in the document.
When highlighting an asset, press the space bar to view a Quick Look preview of the document, just like when using Finder.
You can also press Enter or Tab while highlighting an asset to change its file name, as well as changing the name within your .highland document.