Sometimes a person you recognize pops up for a brief moment in a movie to make a single joke, or to show us the type of person who would be at the place or event we’re watching. Other times an actor will take on the challenge of a long-form performance, playing a skewed version of …
Worlds change, and so do we
In How to See, Thich Nhat Hanh writes: Many philosophers, scientists, and spiritual teachers search for an absolute truth because they don’t trust their own perceptions. They have the impression that although they are awake they are living in a dream. Add fictional protagonists to this list of seekers. The search for some truth or …
How to Invite Suspension of Disbelief: The Spaghetti Harvest Hoax
In 1957, The BBC news program (I’m sorry, programme) Panorama played an April Fools Day joke, convincing many viewers that spaghetti noodles grew on trees. You can watch it in its entirety here: So it’s ludicrous, right? But there’s some added context to consider (provided by The world was a lot less connected at …
Even Short Write Sprints Have Value
You may have seen the hashtag #WriteSprint on Twitter, calling writers to join in on an hour-long dash of fingers-on-the-keys, distraction-free writing. But what if you don’t have an hour? Even if you only take 15 minutes, you can move your writing forward. A shorter write sprint may not have as impressive a word count, …