Highland offers two different types of URL links for your document, both are easily added.
Inline Links
Create a simple URL link with [link text](URL)
or by choosing Format > Insert Link (Shift + ⌘ Command + L).
Example: [Highland 2](https://highland2.app)
In your PDF the above will be formatted as Highland 2
Reference Links
Using the same link several times? Reference Links are handy for using the same URL multiple times. Typically, they are placed at the end of your document and are created with [reference link name]: URL
Example: [Highland 2]: https://highland2.app
You use a Reference Link similar to an Inline Link, but instead of typing the URL in parentheses, you will use the [reference link name]
you created.
Example: [Distraction Free][Highland 2]
and [Writing App][Highland 2]
Another advantage of Reference Links, is that it allows you to update or modify a URL only once. For example, if we change the above reference link to: [Highland 2]: https://quoteunquoteapps.com/highland-2
every usage of [Highland 2]
will be automatically updated with the new URL.
Highland can create the Reference Links for you by choosing Format > Convert Links to Reference (Shift + ⌘ Command + K).